Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This is a Good News

Today i go wen's house after went school for checking class~
but very disappointing, because when i go to the office, the staff say TOMORROW
what the..........

tomorrow open school already lahh still need to check mehh~
so stupid one~!!!

after that go mamak with kar seng, sheng kang and hon foong having breakfast there.
then go wen's house.

i saw bunn bunn there.........then go seng's house ~~~
after go back home, foong receive a call from bunn bunn

he ask: where is the office of school~
then foong answer him~
foong tell me that bunn bunn said he want back to school life~
so happy because a friend back to school life~

so it's a good news for me~
it that a good news for you?

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