Sunday, August 22, 2010



学生的生活难道就脱离不了考试 + 测验 + 功课(虽然我不做功课) 吗?

不止这些,还有些烦人的友情问题 (这个我还好啦。。。)

Well, English is much more easier to elaborate for me...
think that i might boost up my English writing skills since i get no A's for just a July test...
i couldn't believe that i get no A's for that (My readers, I'm not trying show-off)

Herm...recently i felt that myself is just too excuse-ish...
kept on finding reasons and excuses for what had happened...but i know just as i said that,
that's is just EXCUSES and REASONS!
it's not the truth...
Hell No! i think i should make myself get rid of those reasons and so do excuses...

well, days to trial is only one month left and for SPM i not really clear about it but it's about 3months left...what had i done? N.O.T.H.I.N.G, yea it's NOTHING...
perhaps i should listen to what people always said but seldom did:
"Give Up of everything for temporary, Start to focus on SPM"

i know it will be pretty hard for me (as a worm-my person)
herm...time to stop being crappy...
See you =D

"Smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog is back~

Herm...i think there's few months i didn't update my blog...
due to break down of my lovely Lappy~

But it's ok, i think i will revive my blog start from today...
if there's no accident, i think i could manage to update every Wednesday or Thursday...herm... =D

Well, today nothing different...
wake up
seng's house

Can my life be a little bit different? Just a little~~~