Thursday, December 4, 2008

TOP 10 Singapore Popular Words in Students

This is what i always hear from Singapore Secondary Students

1st-Whalao [when angry]

2nd-assholes [almost angry]

3rd-JiTao [when they felt frustrated]

4th-Macam+anything [even they not pro in malay]

5th-What The HECK [something problem]

6th-Sien Diao [when the plan get broke]

7th-Kanasai [when they felt that thing not good]

8th-Hokkien [always say Hokkien whatever good or bad]

9th-Kena+anything [malay too and the meaning is same]

10th-SINGlish [ex: +lah, +leh, +loh, +lor, etc.......]

want to know more?? i think you need to go Singapore ask them lohh................

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