Wednesday, February 17, 2010

long time no update~ lai lai lai~

long time no update blog ler,
well today hang out with baoyun. yeecheng, hanfoong and also angel~
at first we said want to watch the All Well End Well 2010, but suddenly
angel call me and say go sing k, then we decided to sing k~
haha~ me and foong go book room and then go Old Town have our breakfast,
after that angel, baoyun and yeecheng come to meet us~
and the journey start for today~
let see the pictures~

Baoyun + Angel

japanese bento~

yeecheng finding my key for me
thank you~

hanfoong posing~

angel curi curi tangkap d~

from high angle~

they changing high heels~

Me + Angel

(sien loh~)

Again & again~
( sien ahh!!!)


acting ghost~

Angel + FOong

Heng + GEl

all same pose~

joanne + cheng

long meeeeeeeeee

having lunch~



brenda lee~ so ngam~

hee hee hee~

don't play play, or else i boom you!

3 of them~

showing shoes~

gel + foong

3 flowers~

Gain-tic Veges~

Hey you!!!


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